
 The following table is a list of linkers that can be used when writing an opinion essay.



Adding ideas

Summing up


As a result


First of all, Firstly, Secondly, Finally…

As a

In my opinion





I strongly believe that

That’s why

Instead of

It is (widely/generally) known that

To sum up

It is clear to me that



Research has shown that

On the whole


An example of an opinion essay to get familiar with the structure and to show  how to organize ideas using linkers. 

Example of opinion essay:

Four steps to follow to write an opinion essay. 

a.      Give your essay an attractive title: it has to tell readers what your essay is about.

b.      Write a brief introduction: in this section of your essay you have to introduce the topic by using keywords, and you are expected to outline your opinion.

c.       Body paragraphs: In this part of the essay you should provide evidence to back up the opinion you have given in the introduction. You can also add examples to make the writing more engaging. This part of the essay should consist of two or three paragraphs.

d.      Conclusion: Summarize the ideas you have mentioned previously in the text and do not add any new information.


Further considerations: 

·         Write a draft before you start writing the essay. It should contain the key ideas you want to include.

·         Try to be as original as possible.

·  Although you are expected to give your opinion, do not forget that an essay is a formal writing. Therefore, you should not use colloquial language or contractions.

·         Before handing in your essaycheck grammar, vocabulary and spelling mistakes.

2Do you think that pollution is influencing the climate of our planet? Is man-made pollution responsible for Global Warming? Write an opinion essay (180-200 words) on what could be done about it. Use the words and expressions that you have included in your diagram to help you with your essay.
